Astazi a fost lansata biografia oficiala Mayhem

de Cristi Nedelcu

Astazi a fost lansata biografia oficiala Mayhem

Multe documentare, carti si chiar filme artistice au fost facute in baza istoriei formatiei care a conturat practic black metalul.

Insa membrii trupei au spus de multe ori ca cele prezentate sunt fie false fie denatureaza adevarul.

Basistul formatiei, Jorn Stubberud Necrobutcher a luat problema in maini si a scris propria biografie a formatiei care a fost lansata astazi, 13 Septembrie 2018.

Iata ce a declarat artistul:

"For decades, I’ve witnessed all these hacks cashing in on my band Mayhem, my music, my image, my name, my pictures, telling my story in books and documentaries, in films and magazines. It would be fine, if it weren't for the fact that it's all f****d up with the wrong things. The journalists start calling me every f*****g time one of these books come out like 'What do you think of that?’ and I'm thinking I should just write a book myself and tell how it really was, to end all of this speculation and bullshit. I make music and I thought it would be easy, but it wasn't. It took well over a year. It's a lot of work, unbelievable."

Cartea trateaza primi 10 ani de activitate ai formatiei, praactic perioada cea mai controversata a istoriei black metal.

Se poate comanda de pe Amazon.

Poze Poze pentru articole - Mayhem

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