Teloch, chitaristul Mayhem, este suspect de COVID-19

de Cristi Nedelcu

Teloch, chitaristul Mayhem, este suspect de COVID-19

Chitarsitul celor de la Mayhe, Teloch, a declarat ca a fost testat pozitiv la infectia cu un virus si ca prezinta toate simptomele COVID-19.

Anunutul a fost facut pe pagina de Instagram a artistului acesta spunand ca testul specific pentru COVID-19 este disponibil in Norvegia doar pentru persoanele care se afla in zone de risc sau care lucreaza in sistemul medical.

Iata mai jos postarea artisului.

"Thanks for asking me about my health and demanding me to stay home guys. Turns out my home quarantine got extended. I have tested positive for a virus and I c19 symptoms. We only do the corona test on people in Norway who is in the risk zone or work in health care. Not enough tests to do us all. I'm already getting better so don't feel sorry for me. BUT it shows that this virus does not discriminate, even extremely super cool people like me with #4millionnetworth can get s**t."

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