Dave Mustaine a vorbit despre starea sa de sanatate

de Cristi Nedelcu

Dave Mustaine a vorbit despre starea sa de sanatate

Dave Mustaine a fost recent diagnosticat cu cancer, insa se pare ca tratamentul pe care il urmeaza artistul da roade.

In plus, Megadeth deja a anuntat ca in Ianuarie si Februarie va pleca in turneu alaturi de Five Finger Death Punch, lucru ce indica faptul ca pana atunci Dave va fi capabil sa urce pe scena.

Iata ce a declarata artistul:

"I want to thank all of you for the support and well wishes these last few months. I can't express enough gratitude as it has made this hard road easier knowing you are in my corner fighting with me!

Over the next few weeks, my condition will be evaluated, and I will keep you posted on my progress as we get closer to the sailing date of the first Megacruise!

We can't wait to see you, and I know all of the other wonderful artists feel the same way. Let's make this event one for the record books. Less than 30 days till we are Thrashing through the Pacific!

See you all very soon."

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