David Ellefson va lansa un nou single

de Cristi Nedelcu

David Ellefson va lansa un nou single

Basistul trupei Megadeth, David Ellefson, va lansa single-ul "Simple Truth", cu trupa sa, Ellefson.

Melodia va fi lansata in luna aprilie pe Bandcamp, iar toate incasarile vor fi donate pentru Crucea Rosie Italia.

"Simple Truth" va face parte de pe cel mai recent album, "Sleeping Giants", material lansat in 2019.

"We actually wrote the song in Milan during a tour rehearsal, and a lot of it was recorded there. We've gone back and forth with Andy in Italy, from the Platinum Underground in Phoenix, and with our mixer and co-engineer Alessio Garavello in London. While we're all staying positive and just keeping busy, it's heartbreaking to see what's going on over there with the death toll climbing every day.", a declarat David.

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