Hetfield spune ca Hammett n-a scris nici un riff pentru noul album Metallica

de Andreea Gherfi

Hetfield spune ca Hammett n-a scris nici un riff pentru noul album Metallica

Intr-un interviu acordat celor de la MetalXS, James Hetfield, solistul formatiei Metallica a marturisit ca Kirk Hammett n-a contribuit cu nici o compozitie la noul lor album, "Hardwired… To Self-Destruct", facand astfel referire la faptul ca Hammett a declarat in nenumarate randuri ca a pierdut un iphone plin cu riff-uri.

“Kirk was not part of the writing. Kirk obviously came in and did the solos. But Lars and I, we, Lars and I always have done this, but with contributions from other people on their riffs and things. Kirk‘s riffs weren’t there. I know he talks about him losing his phone and things like that with the riffs, but no, he wasn’t involved in the process. And Robert was there. The intro to ‘ManUNkind‘ is Robert; that is him, and it’s beautiful. But it is Lars and I doing what we always do, put the songs together.”, a marturisit Hetfield.

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