James Hetfield a interpretat singur 'Unforgiven III' pentru albumul live S&M2

de Cristi Nedelcu

James Hetfield a interpretat singur 'Unforgiven III' pentru albumul live  S&M2

James Hetfield a declarat ca i-a fost greu sa cante "Unforgiven III" fara trupa sa, in noul lor album live S&M2.

Intr-un interviu acordat show-ului Liquid Metal de la SiriusXM, James a dezvaluit cum restul formatiiei sale il susutineau in timp ce canta piesa "Unforgiven III" acompaniat de Orchestra Simfonica San Fransisco.

"I wanted it to be as different as possible. I was super nervous getting up there and singing that song with just the orchestra, and I'm grateful that the other three guys were able to go out there and support me, lay down their instruments and just enjoy the moment.That was huge. That was huge for me. So thank you guys.", a declarat James.

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