James Hetfield: We haven't wrote the best record yet.

de Andreea Gherfi

James Hetfield: We haven't wrote the best record yet.

Intr-un interviu acordat postului Alfa 91.3 FM din Mexic , James Hetfield a marturisit ca membrii Metallica nu au scris inca cel mai bun album din cariera lor, dar ca intentioneaza sa faca acest lucru.

"We always try to make a better record. It's innate. it's in us. We haven't wrote the best record yet. We're going to. I don't know when. I won't know when it is. So we always like moving forward, creating new stuff.

For a band to be around for thirty-five years and there are bands that like to just play their hits and be okay drifting off into the sunset.We're not like that. We're artists and we love to create. It's like breathing for us, we need to do it. So it's always great when you have a new set of lyrics and music, and people still enjoy it."

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