Jason Newsted crede ca noul album Metallica are substanta

de Andreea Gherfi

Jason Newsted crede ca noul album Metallica are substanta

Jason Newsted, fostul basist al trupei Metallica, a fost intervievat de catre Ultimate Guitar, iar instrumentistul nu s-a sfiit sa isi exprime parerea vis-a-vis de noul album al trupei Metallica, "Hardwired... to Self-Destruct", si despre munca depusa de catre Robert Trujillo.

"This last [album], I feel they've kinda come back into stride and there's something of substance here.", a declarat Jason Newsted.

"[The album] is a bit different than the other efforts that led up to it. Robert's a great fuckin' bass player and he's always been a great bass player.

I've known him for 25 years at least. He's always been good and I owned all the Infectious [Grooves] records and I wore Infectious t-shirts. I'm down. That guy has always got my respect. He got in there and he can hang with those guys and make it sound like it does? Peace, peace, power to you.", a marturisit Newsted.

Intregul interviu poate fi citit aici.

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