John Bush e multumit de ceea ce a facut cu Anthrax si nu regreta ca a refuzat Metallica

de Cristi Nedelcu

John Bush e multumit de ceea ce a facut cu Anthrax si nu regreta ca a refuzat Metallica

De curand solistul celor de la Armored Saint, John Bush, a oferit un interviu pentru National Rock Review in care vorbeste despre faptul ca a refuzat oferta de a fi solistul Metallica.

La inceput, lui Hetfield ii era destul de dificil sa fie si solist si chitarist in formatie, si i-au oferit lui Bush postul de solist, James urmand sa ramana doar chitarist in Metallica. Bush insa a refuzat.

"I felt complimented when the band was proposing the ideas to me. But it just wasn’t my destiny to be in Metallica. I would have changed the face of heavy metal, and I don’t need that pressure. James is an incredible vocalist. He really developed through the years, and I can’t imagine anyone else there.”

Cu privire la perioada sa cu Anthrax acesta insa a spus ca e multumit de cum a decurs colaborarea si ca albumele pe care le-a scos alaturi de acestia au fost misto.

“I feel like we made some cool records along the way. We had a lot of history and a lot of experiences... It was time to move on for both parties. I think people are happy that Joey’s back, and Armored Saint is a comfortable place for me to be. But it takes nothing away from what we did.”

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