Kirk Hammett a explicat de ce intarzie noul album

de Cristi Nedelcu

Kirk Hammett a explicat de ce intarzie noul album

Kirk Hammett a oferit un interviu pentru un post de radio din Las Vegas in care a vorbit mai ales despre viitorul material Metallica.

Chitaristul a declarat ca atat el cat si restul trupei lucreaza la noul album in fiecare zi, inregistreaza piese care ar putea, sau nu ar putea face parte de pe viitorul album si asa mai departe.

O explicatie pentru intarzierea noului album ar fi data de faptul ca artistii au familie si multe alte chestii de facut in viata personala, iar acest lucru face ca munca la viitorul album sa fie greoaie.

"A lot of it has to do with the fact that, you know, life takes over for us. We all have families, and we all have the band, and we all have other things in our lives, and it's just difficult scheduling all four of us in a room. And it's not because we don't wanna be together in a room — we want to be together in a room playing music — it's just there's other factors pulling at us. And we're doing our best. We're trying to work it all out so that we can have a schedule that allows all of us to be in the same place at the same time."

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