Lars Ulrich este surprins ca Metallica au vrut sa-l dea afara in '86

de Andreea Gherfi

Lars Ulrich este surprins ca Metallica au vrut sa-l dea afara in '86

Lars Ulrich a aflat recent ceva ce si-ar fi dorit sa nu afle niciodata, si anume planurile pe care ceilalti membri ai trupei le-au avut pentru el in 1986, si a marturisit ca nu s-a gandit niciodata la posibilitatea de a fi dat afara din celebra formatie.

Zvonul a aparut pentru prima data in gura lui Mustaine intr-un interviu pe care revista The Rolling Stone l-a publicat in 2009, iar in 2014 Scott Ian (Anthrax) a discutat subiectul intr-o conferinta de presa de dinaintea lansarii biografiei 'I'm The Man: The Story Of That Guy From Anthrax

"It's certainly not something that I was ever aware of, but I can tell you that there's been other times as we've cruised along where there's been some friction with this band member or that band member, and where things were a little awkward with this particular guy, or whatever."

"When you have a collective entity like Metallica, that's been together for 35 years, there are different times on that journey where the idea of what to do next in a particular sticky dynamic has brought upon different options of different potential resolutions,"

"There were times when Kirk was kinda floating out there, and there were a couple of times when Hetfield was kinda floating out there, and there were different times when I was kinda floating out there, so it was very possible. I'm sure Scott Ian knows something that I don't, and I'm fine with that. It was just not something that was ever on my radar.", a declarat Lars Ulrich pentru Metal Forces.

Lars a declarat ca nu citit interviurile pe care ceilalti membri ai formatiei le-au sustinut pe aceasta tema si ca nu avea de unde sa stie ce planuiau colegii lui.

"No, I make a point of not to read any of Kirk's interviews,"

"I really don't read interviews. I don't know, the whole thing of 20 years ago sitting there and following what Mustaine is saying this week in Kerrang! and what Bruce Dickinson is thinking about this, and all that kinda stuff — I just don't follow one paragraph of it anymore. I mean, I can't open some of my web pages or check the news headlines or whatever without being aware of the fact Kirk Hammett said this or somebody else says that. Obviously, it's hard to exist in 2016 without some of this stuff showing up on your radar, but I don't read it and I don't follow it.", a declarat Lars

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