Metallica a filmat jumatate de an pentru noul clip Hardwired

de Cristi Nedelcu

Metallica a filmat jumatate de an pentru noul clip Hardwired

Metallica a lansat un clip live pentru piesa Hardwired. Videoul a fost filmat pe parcursul a 6 luni in diferite tari unde artistii au sustinut concerte.

Totul a inceput in septembrie 2016 si s-a terminat in Feburarie 2017. Despre piesa care deschide albumul 'Hardwired... To Self Destruct' James Hetfield a declarat pentru cei de la Guitar World: "'Hardwired' is the first song on the album, but it was actually the last song we wrote. In my mind, it's more of a summary of the whole album than an opening statement. Lyrically, I wanted it to be really simple, fast, quick and punk rock. The idea is to make it communal. You know, we're f****d. All of us. But we're blessed as well, because we're all in this together."

Mai jos aveti clipul live.

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