Metallica au pozat pentru catalogul casei de moda Brioni

de Andreea Gherfi

Metallica au pozat pentru catalogul casei de moda Brioni

Membrii formatiei Metallica au fost modele fashion pentru o zi si au pozat pentru catalogul luxoasei case de moda Brioni.

Fotografiile fac parte dintr-o campanie publicitara care se va desfasura sub coordonarea celebrului stilist Justin O’Shea si vor ajuta la repozitionarea pe piata a luxosului brand barbatesc.

“We are beyond thrilled to have been invited to be the face of Italian luxury menswear powerhouse Brioni as they kick off their first creative campaign under the direction of newly appointed creative director, uber cool style star Justin O’Shea. The black and white Queen ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ inspired photos were shot last month in San Francisco by photographer Zackery Michael. We’re sporting Bespoke Brioni suits and tuxedos as well as sunglasses from their new eyewear collection.”

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Poze Poze pentru articole - metallica & brioni

Poze Poze pentru articole - metallica & brioni

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