Mike Portnoy il respecta pe Lars Ulrich, dar nu neaparat ca tobosar

de Cristi Nedelcu

Mike Portnoy il respecta pe Lars Ulrich, dar nu neaparat ca tobosar

Unul dintre cei mai apreciati tobosari ai comunitatii metal, Mike Protnoy, a oferit de curand un interviu celor de la Sticks For Stones in care i-a fost ceruta parerea cu privire la talentul de tobosar al lui Lars Ulrich.

Acesta a spus ca il respecta pe Lars a carui valorare nu sta neaparat in talentul sau de tobosar, ci mai ales in faptul ca a luat parte la o revolutie muzicala alaturi de Metallica, in plus acesta este un foarte bun om de afaceri si showman.

Iata un extras din declaratia fostului tobosar Dream Theater:

"Well, I have a tremendous amount of respect for Lars, even though he takes a beating in the drum community. To me, his value is not necessarily in drumming, but it has to do with him being a part of a musical revolution that he was a huge, huge part of starting. He's been a tremendous asset to METALLICA, not only as a writer, but as a businessman and his abilities to market things and his ability to arrange music and his performance on stage — he's a very animated player on stage. And to me, I would rather watch somebody like Lars Ulrich on stage than one of these technical drummers that can do quadruple paradiddles at 240bpm. To me, that's boring. Who cares about that? I'd rather be entertained and go to a show and watch a drummer and have somebody that makes me actually smile. So I don't judge drummers based on their technical ability; I judge them based on the overall package and what they bring to the music they're part of. And what Lars brings to the music of METALLICA is absolutely invaluable. So I could care less if his meter might be slightly up and down, or if his fills are slightly sloppy; I don't care about that. To me, there's way more to being a good drummer than precision and technique."

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