Povestea piesei 'Nothing Else Matters' - Metallica

de Andreea Gherfi

Povestea piesei 'Nothing Else Matters' - Metallica

Cea mai cunoscuta piesa a formatiei Metallica, "Nothing Else Matters", a fost lansata in anul 1991, odata cu unul dintre cele mai iubite materiale ale grupului, "The Black Album" ("Metallica"). Imediat dupa lansare, piesa a ajuns pe locul 11 in topul Billboard din SUA si pe locul 10 in topurile europene.

"Nothing Else Matters" poarta semnatura celebrului solist James Hetfield, iar povestea ei porneste de la o discutie pe care James a avut-o la telefon cu prietena lui din acea perioada. Tinand telefonul la ureche si chitara in mana, James a descoperit o combinatie de note muzicale care avea sa-i ramana pentru totdeauana in suflet.

Versurile "So close no matter how far/ Couldn't be much more from the heart/ Forever trusting who we are/ And nothing else matters" vorbesc despre stransa legatura pe care James o avea cu prietena lui, iar artistul a dorit intial ca melodia sa ramana una personala pana cand Lars Ulrich, tobarul formatiei, l-a convins sa o includa pe noul lor album.

"At first I didn't even want to play it for the guys. I thought that Metallica could only be the four of us. These are songs about destroying things, head banging, bleeding for the crowd, whatever it is, as long as it wasn't about chicks and fast cars, even though that's what we liked. The song was about a girlfriend at the time. It turned out to be a pretty big song."

Membrii Metallica sunt de parere ca balada si-a schimbat semnificatia in timp, devenind un simbol al camaraderiei, fiind dedicata acum fanilor trupei pentru ca, desigur, "nothing else matters".

"It's about being on the road, missing someone at home, but it was written in such a way, it connected with so many people, that it wasn't just about two people, it was about a connection with your higher power, lots of different things.

I remember going to the Hells Angels Clubhouse in New York, and they showed me a film that they'd put together of one of the fallen brothers, and they were playing 'Nothing Else Matters.' Wow. This means a lot more than me missing my chick, right? This is brotherhood. The army could use this song. It's pretty powerful.", a marturisit James Hetfield.

"Nothing Else Matters" este una dintre putinele piese in care Hetfield este cel ce canta solo-urile de chitara, nu Kirk Hammett, iar inregistrarea de pe album ii apartine tot solistului.

Videoclipul oficial al piesei a fost lansat pe 25 februarie 1992.

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