Jerry Only a vrut o reuniune Misfits, in timp ce Danzig a vrut doar sa-l dea in judecata

de Buvnitz

Jerry Only a vrut o reuniune Misfits, in timp ce Danzig a vrut doar sa-l dea in judecata

Jerry Only - membru fondator al formatiei Misfits - a reactionat la acuzatiile aduse de Glenn Danzig, numind procesul intentat drept 'o incercare calculata de a obtine venituri din drepturi ce nu i se cuvin.'

Glenn sustine ca Jerry a inregistrat intreaga afacere Misfits pe numele sau, fara a-l informa si fara a negocia. Dazig declara ca fostul sau coleg a violat termenii unui contract semnat in 1994, in care amandoi au fost de acord sa imparta propietatea asupra numelui Misfits si a intregului catalog de merchandise. Dupa inregistrarea acestui trademark, Jerry ar fi semnat individual mai multe contracte cu distrbuitori.

Only a emis urmatorul comunicat:

In 1995, MISFITS founding member Jerry Only secured the exclusive legal right to tour and record as the MISFITS, and, in accordance with those legal rights, launched a licensing program through Cyclopian Music. At the same time, Glenn Anzalone — professionally known as Glenn Danzig (former co-founder and MISFITS vocalist circa 1977 to 1983) — made clear that he wanted no public association with the MISFITS or Cyclopian Music's business endeavors.

"Despite full knowledge of Cyclopian Music's use of the MISFITS' name and logos for decades, Glenn Danzig curiously filed a lawsuit on April 3rd, 2014 seeking a portion of the proceeds from Cyclopian Music's activities with which he has had no involvement whatsoever. Danzig's lawsuit can only be described as a sour-grapes tantrum based on outrageous allegations, the majority of which are completely false, while others are ill-conceived and grossly misguided — and will be proven false in court. Reports of Glenn Danzig's lawsuit and the falsehoods within it, however, have resulted in the dissemination of misinformation regarding the nature of Glenn Danzig's baseless claims and Cyclopian Music's rights.

"For example, Jerry Only and Cyclopian are under no obligation, legal, contractual or otherwise, to obtain consent, or approvals of any kind, from former member Glenn Danzig in connection with their use of the MISFITS name or logos. Apparently Danzig's own product line doesn't sell as well as he might like, but the fact of the matter remains that Jerry Only and Cyclopian Music's MISFITS licenses, business activity and merchandising endeavors are 100% lawful and consistent with their legal rights.

"To be clear, Glenn Danzig has no legal right to, and no interest in, Cyclopian's MISFITS licenses or business ventures period. Danzig's lawsuit is nothing more than a calculated attempt to unfairly and improperly enrich himself from revenue streams to which he is not entitled."

Formula clasica Misfits s-a destramat in 1983, iar basistul Jerry Only a adus o noua componenta Misfits in 1995.

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