Monuments au lansat un nou single, 'Deadnest'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Monuments au lansat un nou single, 'Deadnest'

Trupa a lansat cel de-al doilea single alaturi de Andy Cizek la voce si Mike Malyan revenit in trupa la tobe.

Chitatristul trupei, Olly Steele a declarat urmatoarele:

"Our last release 'Animus' focused on pop/melody so I wanted to contrast this with darker, lower, aggressive and abrasive moments for 'Deadnest'. Maintaining energy and momentum throughout was definitely a goal. I tried to keep myself in the headspace of a young hungry kid with a lot to prove which I believe is reflected in the technicality of the song. It has a major/minor feel, playing with happy and uplifting passages but also sad sounds that paint despair and take away any hope.".

Noul single 'Deadnest' poate fi ascultat mai jos.

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