Tobosarul Moonspell a parasit formatia dupa aproape 3 decenii

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tobosarul Moonspell a parasit formatia dupa aproape 3 decenii

Moonspell au anuntat ca s-au despartit de Mike Gaspar, artistul care a stat in spatele tobelor de la inceputurile formatiei.

Formatia din Portugalia a declarat ca nu vor oferi detalii cu privire la motivele despartirii. In acelasi timp au mai spus ca urmeaza ca in Septembrie sa intre in studio pentru a pregati un nou album.

Moonspell hereby informs that Mike Gaspar is no longer our band member. The reasons of this split, as accorded, will remain in between the parts involved. We ask that privacy is fully observed.

Moonspell now enters a new cycle and are already working with a new drummer Hugo Ribeiro (not family related with the singer). Their new album, provisorily referred to as H, will be recorded with the producer Jaime Gomez Arellano (Paradise Lost, Ulver, Ghost), between September and October this year. It will be released via Napalm Records on the first semester of 2021.

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