MICK MARS a lansat un single nou, insotit de videoclip: 'Undone'

de Cristi Nedelcu

MICK MARS a lansat un single nou, insotit de videoclip: 'Undone'

Chitaristul Motley Crue, Mick Mars, a lansat videoclipul oficial pentru piesa „Undone”, al treilea single de pe viitorul sau album solo intitulat „The Other Side Of Mars”.

„The Other Side Of Mars” va fi lansat pe 23 februarie 2024 prin intermediul propriului label al lui Mick, 1313, LLC, in parteneriat cu MRI.

Artistul Jacob Bunton din Birmingham, Alabama a colaborat cu Mars la noul sau material „The Other Side Of Mars”. Bunton a fost membru in trupele din Alabama: MARS ELECTRIC si LYNAM.

Jacob Bunton a lucrat anterior cu fostul baterist al trupei GUNS N' ROSES, Steven Adler si cu liderul CINDERELLA, Tom Keifer si are credite de compozitie la mai multe piese ale unor artisti celebri, precum Mariah Carey, Steven Tyler si Smokey Robinson, printre altii.

Printre alti invitati de pe acest LP ii mentionam si pe claviaturistul WINGER/ALICE COOPER, Paul Taylor, bateristul KORN, Ray Luzier si Brion Gamboa, care s-a ocupat de vocea principala la piesele „Undone” si „Killing Breed”.

"The Other Side of Mars" track listing:

01. Loyal To The Lie
02. Broken On The Inside
03. Alone
04. Killing Breed
05. Memories
06. Right Side Of Wrong
07. Ready To Roll
08. Undone
09. Ain't Going Back
10. LA Noir

Intr-un interviu recent cu Chris Akin Presents, Mars a fost intrebat daca a incercat in mod intentionat sa incorporeze elemente noi in sound-ul albumului „The Other Side Of Mars”, pe care nu le-a avut in timpul carierei sale de patru decenii cu MOTLEY CRUE. El a raspuns: "You're exactly right. You hit the nail on the head when you said it was way different from MOTLEY, which is what I wanted to do. The part that was the scariest part about doing that stuff is because my guitar tone is associated with MOTLEY's sound. I was kind of concerned about that, so I just played around a little more. I mean, it turned out well for me."

Acesta a continuat: "I know that a lot of people were expecting probably more of a blues-oriented thing or kind of an extension of MOTLEY or something like that. And I wanted to go a whole different route and leaning more towards the left instead of the beaten path, I guess. I wanted to go somewhere with it. I didn't know if it would work or not. I just did the stuff and got acquainted with different people, like [fellow musicians and collaborators] Paul Taylor and Jacob Bunton and Brion Gamboa and Ray Luzier, of course."

In octombrie, Mars a distribuit „Loyal To The Lie”, single-ul principal din „The Other Side Of Mars”, impreuna cu un videoclip muzical cu imagini din filme horror clasice si imagini cu criminali in serie. Un al doilea single, „Right Side Of Wrong”, a urmat apoi in luna decembrie.

Discutand despre titlul din spatele viitorului album, artistul in varsta de 72 de ani a explicat ca acesta se refera la cele doua laturi diferite ale stilului sau: "the MOTLEY side and the Mars side."

"I always have a very clear vision of what I want to do," a spus acesta, in timp ce a subliniat ca va urma si alta muzica noua, nu doar albumul sau solo de debut. "There's a lot of ideas that I have that. I don't want to call them 'left,' but they are, you know what I mean? My feeling has always been, I might gain some fans, I might lose some fans. But what they’re hearing, it's all me."

In ceea ce priveste motivatia sa de a avea un proiect solo, Mick a spus: "I'm trying to keep growing. Because if you stop learning new things, if you stop playing new things, if you close your mind, you're done. You have to keep moving and creating. Next!"

Cand Mars si-a anuntat retragerea din turneele cu MOTLEY CRUE in octombrie 2022, ca urmare a agravarii problemelor sale de sanatate, el a sustinut ca va ramane membru al trupei, John 5 luandu-i locul doar in turnee. Cu toate acestea, de atunci el a intentat un proces impotriva formatiei MOTLEY CRUE la Curtea superioara din Los Angeles, sustinand ca, dupa anuntul sau, restul membrilor MOTLEY CRUE au incercat sa-l indeparteze ca parte interesata semnificativa in corporatia si participatiile de afaceri ale grupului printr-o adunare a actionarilor.

Mars – al carui nume real este Robert Alan Deal – a fost chitaristul principal al formatiei MOTLEY CRUE inca de la infiintarea trupei in 1981.

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