Nikki Sixx cere YouTube-ului sa vireze mai multi bani in conturile artistilor

de Andreea Gherfi

Nikki Sixx cere YouTube-ului sa vireze mai multi bani in conturile artistilor

Dupa ce managerul trupei Metallica a decarat ca YouTube-ul este "The Devil", Nikki Sixx a prins curaj si a revenit in atentia presei cu o critica la adresa celor ce gestioneaza super cunoscutul site de streaming online. Acesta solicita ca YouTube sa plateasca artistii cel putin la nivelul concurentei de pe piata.

Nikki Sixx ( Motley Crue, Sixx:AM) va lansa in cursul acestei saptamani o campanie pentru formarea unei coalitii impotriva YouTube-ului. Sixx considera ca presiunea trebuie sa fie pusa intai pe YouTube, iar apoi pe lagislatiile americane care reglementeaza drepturile de autor.

“YouTube is paying out about a sixth of what Spotify and Apple pay artists. We are not telling them how to run their business. We’re saying treat artists fairly the way other streaming services are. And by the way, we are a big part of what built your business: music is the No 1 most-searched thing on YouTube.”

Nikki Sixx indeamna cat mai multi artisti celebri sa se alature acestei campanii deoarece ea vizeaza in mod special munca artistilor care sunt mai putini cunoscuti.

“Fans may look at this and say, ‘You guys are rich, why are you complaining, why do you want more money?’ But it’s not just a bunch of rich guys wanting more money. Quite the contrary: this is about the little guy – the up and comers that we were at one point. We were afforded the opportunities, but those opportunities will go away if we don’t get some balance. This is about the future of music.”, a declarat Nikki Sixx pentru 'The Guardian'.

Un reprezentant al YouTube-ului a venit cu o replica la cele declarate de catre Nikki Sixx:

“Google has paid out billions to the music industry, and we’re engaged in productive conversations with the labels and publishers around increasing transparency on payouts. We believe that by providing artists and songwriters greater visibility around revenue earned on YouTube, we can solve many of these issues. We’re also working hard to bring more revenue to the music industry through our subscription service, as well as continuing to grow our ad supported business, which allows artists and labels to monetize the 80% music listeners who historically have never paid for music.”

Citeste articolul publicat in The Guardian aici.

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