Nikki Sixx este nemultumit de albumul 'Motley Crue' din 1994

de Andreea Gherfi

Nikki Sixx este nemultumit de albumul 'Motley Crue' din 1994

Intr-un interviu acordat revistei Sweden Rock Magazine, Nikki Sixx trece peste prietenii si vorbeste despre gustul amar pe care i l-a last albumul Motley Crue (1994).

Acesta a fost singurul album inregistrat cu John Corabi la voce si este unul dintre discurile despre care Motley Crue nu doresc sa vorbeasca niciodata. Nikki Sixx a marturisit ca el a fost nevoit sa-si asume o parte din munca lui John Corabi deoarece acesta nu era in stare sa-si compuna propriile versuri, aruncand astfel albumul nevandut in gradina lui Corabi.

"I've gotta tell you, I think it was a very unfocused record. It was painful for me, because John Corabi can't write lyrics, and I had to do all that work. It was the first time I ever had to work with somebody that wanted to participate in the lyrics. And my standard is so high that it was just… it was so hard, it took months. He was a nice enough guy but he just didn't have that fire, and it was hard for me. And I just felt like Bob Rock (producer) really got us because we just really wanted to get the riffs going and stuff, and he captured that. But, in general, it felt like a great-sounding record but a little bit unfocused. That's just me."

Corabi a simtit nevoia sa vina cu o replica la declaratia lui Nikki Sixx:

"As my email, texts, and phone is blowing up over this, I'd like to publicly retort to this.... Thank you to Motley Crüe for the 5 years we had together. I'm extremely proud of the record we recorded TOGETHER! And your phone call to me asking to join your band has honestly helped my career immensely. I have done everything since, my way, under my terms, and I'm happy knowing I haven't followed any trends, caved to any record label, and just basically been myself. I am who I am, I write the way I write, and I'm beyond happy being the person I am. I have nothing but mad respect for Mötley, including Mr. Sixx, and wish them all the best with their future endeavors. I really don't give a s**t about any of this nonsense. This is it, kids. Enjoy your day!"

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