Tommy Lee a declarat ca turneul Motley Crue din vara nu se va anula

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tommy Lee a declarat ca turneul Motley Crue din vara nu se va anula

Cu toate ca cele mai multe feestivaluri si turnee care urmau sa aiba loc vara aceasta au fost anulate sau reprogramate, Tommy Lee a declarat ca turenul Motely Crue care ar urma sa debuteze in Iunie nu este afectat.

Ba mai mult problema principala a artistului este legata de cascadoria pe care ar trebui el sa o faca in cadrul concertelor.

"What am I supposed to do at this point? I literally have done the impossible — and all of it. Do I shoot myself out of a fuckin’ cannon? At a stadium, there’s no ceiling. There’s nothing to hang from, so there’s a bunch of issues we’ve been talking about, trying to get around a lot of that. It’s f*****g crazy town, dude"

Intrebat despre situatia din Statele Unite, Lee a declarat: "By the time all this f*****g apocalyptic bullshit is over, I think everyone’s going to be in a really good mood to go out and have the f*****g best time ever. I really do. I hope everyone stays inside, and we can get a f*****g grip on this and get back to people having their normal lives."

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