Fosila unui crocodil va purta numele lui Lemmy Kilmister

de Andreea Gherfi

Fosila unui crocodil va purta numele lui Lemmy Kilmister

Conform ziarului The Telegraph, un grup de oameni de stiinta de la Muzeul National de Istorie din Londra a botezat fosila unui crocodil din perioada Jurasica dupa Lemmy Kilmister, regretatul frontman al formatiei Motorhead.

Fosila a fost descoperita la inceputul secolului XX, insa a fost gresit incadrata ca specie. Cercetatorii britanici, fiind fani ai legendarei trupe Motorhead, au botezat exponatul "Lemmysuchus" ("crocodilul lui Lemmy"), dupa numele regretatului cantaret Lemmy Kilmister.

"Lemmysuchus" a fost un pradator gigantic (5.8 metri) ce teroriza apele coastelor marine in urma cu aproximativ 165 de milioane de ani.

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"I’ve always been into heavy rock, and Motorhead are one of my favourite bands and since Lemmy died I have been keen to name something after him.

I had found a small crocodile in Morocco and thought that would have to do, but then this one emerged and I thought ‘Oh My God!’ this is the nastiest, meanest, biggest sea-crocodile there was. So it was perfect.

Sea crocs are extinct now, but they were once a massive group of their time and were dominant in the Middle Jurassic. You wouldn’t have wanted to come across one. They were far bigger than today’s crocodiles. These things were massive, with armoured plates on their back and belly.

Although Lemmy passed away at the end of 2015, we’d like to think that he would have raised a glass to Lemmysuchus, one of the nastiest sea creatures to have ever inhabited the Earth.", a declarat Lorna Steele, reprezentanta Muzeului National de Istorie din Londra.

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