Napalm Death ofera detalii despre un nou album

de Cristi Nedelcu

Napalm Death ofera detalii despre un nou album

Trupa a anuntat cel de-al 16-lea album de studio.

Noul material se numeste "Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism" si va fi lansat pe 18 septembrie via Century Media Records.

"The phrase [began] sticking in my mind when I started thinking about the lyrical direction for this album was ‘the other.’ You could recognize at the time that there was a rapidly growing fear and paranoia being generated about everybody, from migrating people to people with fluid sexuality and this was starting to manifest itself in very antagonistic reactions that you felt were almost verging on violence." a declarat vocalistul trupei, Barney Greenway.

Cel mai recent album al trupei este "Apex Predator - Easy Meat" fiind lansat pe 23 ianuarie 2015 via Century Media Records.

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