Negura Bunget, prima formatie din Romania la Maryland Deathfest (video)

de Buvnitz

Negura Bunget, prima formatie din Romania la Maryland Deathfest (video)

Negura Bunget au incheiat in aceasta seara primul turneu Nord American din cariera, o calatorie de aproape 40 de zile ce a cuprins atat concerte in S.U.A. cat si Canada.

Este probabil cel mai amplu turneu organizat vreodata de o formatie din Romania. In acelasi timp, Negura Bunget au reusit performanta de a deveni prima formatie din Romania prezenta la Maryland Deathfest, cel mai mare si important festival metal de pe teritoriul american.

Reactiile nu au intarziat: 'Hands down, the best performance at Maryland Deathfest. You guys exceeded all of my expectations. I was lucky enough to see you with your old lineup at Wacken in 2008 where you guys had a horribly unjustified only 20 minute set time. You were still awesome then. But this was just truly incredible. I can't think of any other songs I wanted to hear. Never expected for you to play some stuff off of Zirnidu Sa. Your tribal interludes were also so unexpected, but so very welcome. Seriously sent chills down my spine. Flawless vocal performance as well. You're so amazingly Romanian, you guys could not have come from any other country, you're truly one of a kind, and I find your culture and history absolutely fascinating. ROMA! Cheers, and I hope to have the opportunity to see you guys yet again.'

O filmare poate fi urmarita mai jos.

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