New Found Glory au lansat un videoclip nou: Anthem For The Unwanted

de Chaos Lore

New Found Glory au lansat un videoclip nou: Anthem For The Unwanted

New Found Glory au lansat un videoclip nou, "Anthem For The Unwanted", pe care il puteti urmari mai jos.

Trupa a avut parte numai de reactii pozitive din partea fanilor in ceea ce priveste noul videoclip. "Cand asculti NFG, te simti ca in 1997!", a scris un fan la acest videoclip.

Piesa apartine albumului "Radiosurgery", lansat pe 4 octombrie sub Epitaph Records.

Tracklistul albumului este:

1. "Radiosurgery"
2. "Anthem for the Unwanted"
3. "Drill It in My Brain"
4. "I'm Not the One"
5. "Ready, Aim, Fire!"
6. "Dumped"
7. "Summer Fling, Don't Mean a Thing"
8. "Caught in the Act"
(featuring Bethany Cosentino)
9. "Memories and Battle Scars"
10. "Trainwreck"
11. "Map of Your Body"

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