Jukka a anuntat oficial ca nu mai este tobosarul Nightwish

de Cristi Nedelcu

Jukka a anuntat oficial ca nu mai este tobosarul Nightwish

In 2014 Jukka Nevalainen anunta ca va lua o pauza de la activitatea sa cu Nightwish din cauza problemelor de sanatate.

Artistul a continuat insa sa aiba grija de alte aspecte ale trupei din spatele scenei.

Acum tobosarul a anuntat ca a renuntat in totlaitate la ideea de a se reintoarce in trupa, Kai Hahto urmand sa devina tobosarul oficial al fromatiei.

"It has now been five years since my difficult decision, due to severe insomnia, to step aside from the Vehicle of Spirit of NIGHTWISH. This included the previous studio album and the tours which followed.

As I then expected, it turned out to be the right thing to do. These days I'm doing fantastic, and hardly ever need to deal with any sleeping issues. It also dawned on me that having more time to merely focus on band-related things happening behind the curtains made all the difference.

Having said this, I have decided not to push my luck by returning to the band. My dear pal Kai Hahto will take my place as a full-time member of the band. I will continue to take care of the band's businesses in the background, and I'm very much looking forward to what other adventures life has to offer!

My sincere thank yous for the band and the fans for the glorious time we shared!"

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