Nighwish va lua o pauza de un an de zile

de Cristi Nedelcu

Nighwish va lua o pauza de un an de zile

Se pare ca nu vom mai auzi de Nightwish pentru un an de zile, imediat cum turneul de promovare al ultimului album va lua sfarsit.

Cel putin asa a declarat Floor Jansen in cadrul unui interviu oferit celor de la AXS.

Artista a adaugat ca aceasta decizie nu este influentata de probleme din interiorul formatiei.

Iata ce a spus Floor pentru AXS:

"Well, the first thing that's gonna happen after this world tour is that we're gonna take a whole year off, which is something that in the twenty years of NIGHTWISH never happened.

Even though we will have this year off, it doesn't have anything to do with how things are in the band. I've seen some people starting to gossip online of why we [would] take a year off. We'll take a year off because we can and because we want to. That's all there is to it. It has nothing to do with how things are in the band. And it also doesn't mean that we haven't been thinking about what's coming next; we have a lot of cool stuff coming up. So we hope that, after this break, people will still be equally excited to come out and see whatever we've got cooking up in our kitchen for them."

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