Vehicle Of Spirit de la Nightwish conduce topurile europene

de Andreea Gherfi

Vehicle Of Spirit de la Nightwish conduce topurile europene

Noul album live al renumitei formatii finlandeze Nightwish,"Vehicle Of Spirit", a fost lansat in urma cu cateva saptmani si contine inregistrari din concertele pe care trupa le-a sustinut la Wembley Arena (Londra) si Ratina Stadion (Tampere).

"Vehicle Of Spirit" conduce deja topurile europene fiind clasat pe urmatoarele pozitii:

#1 Finlanda

#1 Germania

#1 Suedia

#2 Elvetia

#3 Olanda

#5 Austria

#9 Belgia

#10 Spania

#15 Franta

“I would say the main part of the DVD are those two shows, both Wembley and Tampere. Wembley is mentioned first due to its recognisability and legendary status. I remember the show being very special, both a goal achieved, and a starting point. The crowd was heartwarming. The presence of Richard Dawkins on stage was mind-blowing. The overall experience was a once-in-a-lifetime thrill ride! The show in Ratina Stadion, Tampere, was a home crowd specialty (for 4/6 of the band…) with the biggest stage production we’ve ever had. A lovely atmosphere throughout the concert, with many same faces in the front row as there were 15 years ago. Heartfelt.”, a marturisit despre album Tuomas Holopainen

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