Nine Inch Nails lanseaza un nou album

de Cristi Nedelcu

Nine Inch Nails lanseaza un nou album

"Ghosts V-VI" este disponibil pe toate site-urile de streaming.

Noul material este format din doua discuri, "Ghosts V" si "Ghosts VI" si contin 8 melodii, printre care si single-ul "Together" pe care il puteti asculta mai jos,

"Music, whether listening to it, thinking about it or creating it,has always been the thing that helped us get through anything — good or bad. With that in mind, we decided to burn the midnight oil and complete these new Ghosts records as a means of staying somewhat sane.", a declarat trupa.

Cel mai recent album Nine Inch Nails, Bad Witch, a fost lansat in 2018, via Capitol Records.

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