Ozzy a lansat un clip pentru 'Under The Graveyard'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ozzy a lansat un clip pentru 'Under The Graveyard'

Ozzy a lucrat cu Jonas Akerlund pentru un nou clip. Piesa aleasa este 'Under The Graveyard' iar in videoclip joaca Jack Kilmer si Jessica Barden.

Iata ce a declarat Ozzy despre clip: "For 'Under the Graveyard', Jonas developed the story into a 'mini movie, but, to be quite honest, it's hard for me to watch because it takes me back to some of the darkest times in my life. Thankfully, Sharon was there to pick me up and believe in me. It was the first time she was there to fully support me and build me back up, but it certainly wasn't the last."

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