Ozzy nu se retrage!

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ozzy nu se retrage!

Chiar daca turneul lui Ozzy de acum se numeste 'No More Tours 2" Ozzy a spus ca nu planuieste sa se retraga.

In plus artistul a spus ca in perioada petrecuta alaturi de Sabbath s-a simtit doar ca un simplu solist, in schimb, cand este doar el, poate face exact ce doreste.

"I wish people would understand I'm not retiring. Is it my bad English accent? It's called the 'No More Tours' tour. It doesn't say 'No more tours ever... I spent nine or 10 years in SABBATH, but I'd been away from them for over 30 years," he explained. "With them, I'm just a singer. With me, I get to do what I want to do. I was getting bad vibes from them for being Ozzy. I don't know, what the f**k else can I be?"

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