Ozzy si-a amanat din nou turneul din cauza problemelor de sanatate

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ozzy si-a amanat din nou turneul din cauza problemelor de sanatate

La inceputul lui Aprilie Ozzy si-a reprogramat turneul, atat cel din Europa cat si pe cel din America de Nord din cauza problemelor de sanatate.

Acesta fusese mutat la inceputul anului 2020 pentru Europa, iar in America de Nord pentru luna Mai.

Intr-un nou anunt, artistul a declarat ca din pacate se vede nevoit sa amane din nou turneul european, turneu in deschiderea caruia trebuiau sa urce pe scena Judas Priest.

"I'm here to give you an update on my condition. As you probably know, or you may not know, at the beginning of this year, I had a bad fall. I screwed all the vertebrae in my neck and had to have surgery. I've got a lot more nuts and bolts in my neck now than in my car. I'm not dying, I am recovering — it's just taking a little bit longer than everyone thought it would. I'm bored stiff of being stuck on a f*****g bed all day. I can't wait to get off my a*s and get going again. But you're just gonna have to be a little bit more patient. I'm postponing the European tour because I'm not ready. I'm not retiring — I've still got gigs to do — but when I do come back on an American tour, I wanna be one hundred percent ready to come out and knock your f*****g socks off. And also, there's a new album on the way."

Thank you to my band and my crew and Live Nation, and most of all, JUDAS PRIEST.

I just wanna say one thing to the fans: I sincerely thank you for your patience and your loyalty. I love you. Now, will you f**k off and let me get better."

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