Phil Anselmo are in plan sa lanseze 5 albume anul acesta

de Cristi Nedelcu

Phil Anselmo are in plan sa lanseze 5 albume anul acesta

Fostul solist Pantera a declarat ca are 5 albume inregistrare pe care doreste sa le lanseze in cursul acestui an. In plus, Anselmo a spus ca doreste sa le ofere gratis catre public.

Cele 5 albume abordeaza genuri diferite. "I'm sitting on five finished records right now – and they're all different and they're all tripped out. Some are heavier, some are heavier than heavy, and then some are not. I guess you woudn't be able to stuff it into the heavy metal category at all. I think it's the love of all the many genres.

It's a set of songs that have grown up with me since I was first able to pick up the guitar – little things that I had just written along the way. These songs have grown up with me and advanced and grown."

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