Paul McCartney
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Stiri cu Paul McCartney
Prima aparitie muzicala a lui Dave Grohl de la moartea lui Hawkins, din 25 martie, a avut loc in weekend cu Paul McCartney
Desi Foo Fighters au date de turneu deja programate pentru a il onmora pe bateristul Taylor Hawkins care a decedat de curand, prima aparitie muzicala a lui Dave Grohl de la moartea lui Hawkins, din 25 martie, a avut loc in weekend cu Paul McCartney. Legenda Beatles a fost unul dintre headlinerii pentru editia din...
O caseta cu o piesa compusa de Paul McCartney va fi scoasa la licitatie
"Angel in Disguise" a fost scrisa de Paul McCartney pentru albumul de debut al lui Ringo Starr din 1992, insa piesa nu a fost inclusa in album. Caseta prezinta doua versiuni ale piesei, un demo al lui McCartney si o interpretate a lui Starr. Caseta valoreaza 25.000 de dolari, iar un sfert din proft va...
Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr si Ronnie Wood au cantat 'Get Back' impreuna
Paul McCartney si Ringo Starr, doi intre Beatlesi au fost acompaniati de Ronnie Wood de la The Rolling Stones pentru a interpreta piesa 'Get Back'. Momentul a avut loc in Londra, pe O2 Arena. Mai jos aveti un clip al momentului.
Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr si Brian May si-au scos cravatele la licitatie
Paul McCartney , Eric Clapton , Ringo Starr si Brian May au scos la licitatie cateva dintre cravatele si esarfele pe care le aveau in dulapuri. Duminica, 24 Aprilie, organizatorii evenimentului anual "Loosen Up" au pregatit o licitatie cu scopuri caritabile. Banii obtinuti cu ajutorului acestui...
Paul McCartney va aparea in noua parte din 'Priatii din Caraibe'
Chiar daca filmarile pentru noua parte din Piratii din Caraibe, 'Dead Men Tell No Tales', s-au terminat, se pare ca se va mai filma inca o scena in care va aparea Paul McCartney. Nu se stiu prea multe detalii despre personajul pe care il va interpreta McCartney. Filmul va fi lansat anul viitor in Mai....
Videoclipuri Paul McCartney
- Dance Tonight
- Ever Present Past
- 31. Hey Jude
- I Want To Come Home (soundtrack Everybody's Fine)
- My Valentine
Muzica Paul McCartney
Top Versuri Paul McCartney
I Want To Come Home (soundtrack Everybody's Fine)
Let Me Roll It
My Love
Vintage Clothes
Eleanor Rigby
Hey Jude
See Your Sunshine
That Was Me
House of Wax
You Tell Me
Calico Skies
Dance Tonight
Only Mama Knows
Feet in the Clouds
Band On The Run
Here Today
Nod Your Head
Back in The Ussr
Dance Tonight
Got to Get You Into My Life
Drive My Car
Flaming Pie
End of the End
Ever Present Past
Mister Bellamy
Live And Let Die
Get Back
Let It Be
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
I Saw Her Standing There
Lady Madonna
Mrs Vandebilt
Only Mama Knows
Paperback Writer
The Long And Winding Road
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Paul McCartney
- Wonderful Christmas Time Chords
- Hope Of Deliverance Chords
- Souvenir Chords
- Hope Of Deliverance Tab
- Vintage Clothes Chords
- Return To Pepperland Chords
- Uncle Albert - Admiral Halsey Tab
- C Moon Chords
- Jet Chords
- Teddy Boy Chords
- Your Loving Flame Chords
- No More Lonely Nights Chords
- My Old Friend Chords
- Waterfalls Chords
- Jenny Wren Chords
- Too Many People Chords
- Ebony And Ivory Chords
- Monkberry Moon Delight Chords
- Too Much Rain Chords
- Tug Of War Chords
- Friends To Go Chords
- Highway Chords
- Winter Rose - Love Awake Chords
- House Of Wax Chords
- Feet In The Clouds Chords
- Bluebird Chords
- Jenny Wren Tab
- Vanila Sky Chords
- Let Em In Chords
- That Would Be Something Chords
- Band On The Run Chords
- Through Our Love Chords
- Mull Of Kintyre Chords
- Oo You Chords
- Somebody Who Cares Chords
- Goodnight Tonight Chords
- Venus And Mars Chords
- Daytime Nightime Suffering Chords
- You Tell Me Chords
- Crossroads Tab
- Let Me Roll It Chords
- Heart Of The Country Chords
- Mr Bellamy Chords
- Country Dreamer Chords
- My Love Chords
- Here Today Tab
- With A Little Luck Chords
- When We Was Fab Chords
- Old Siam Sir Tab
- Same Love Chords