[Bathory cover]
For all those who cried aloud
But whose tears were never heard
For questioning one almighty
Of a heavenly distanced world
Beloved thee who submit
The holy writings assured
The golden cross stained with
innocent blood
But stand yet a thousand heavenward
Burning naked but smiling
Not full of fear but pride
Knowing death
alone could cleanse them
Of the reasons for which they all die
For all those who died
For all those whose great
Stirred their tortures to rage
And for all those whose great ugliness
Did the same
For all those who cried aloud in
For mercy on the rack
But whom of dying naked in scorn
Not ashamed
Burning naked but smiling
Not full of fear but
Knowing death alone could cleanse them
Of the reasons for which they all died
For all those who died
Pleas for
mercy signs of guilt
Naked bodies broken on the wheel
Tears sign the confession
With crusted blood lips sealed
Trial by