Primus a lansat o piesa noua, 'The Scheme'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Primus a lansat o piesa noua, 'The Scheme'

Dupa 3 ani de asteptate, Primus vor lansa un nou album pe data de 29 Septembrie. Acesta este al 9-lea material al formatiei si se va numi The Desaturating Seven.

De pe acesta au ales ca piesa 'The Scheme' sa fie facuta publica mai devreme.

Noul disc al americanilor a fost insipirat de cartea pentru copii 'The Rainbow Goblins' aparuta in '78.

"I remember being incredibly impressed with the artwork and the storyline and the content and the message, and I thought, 'Wow, this would make a great piece of music.' As I’m getting older, I’m realizing I need to start knocking some of these things off my list. So we did the Willy Wonka soundtrack a couple years back, and this was a project I wanted to do."

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