Solistul Pro-Pain a fost victima unei talharii si tentative de omor

de Cristi Nedelcu

Solistul Pro-Pain a fost victima unei talharii si tentative de omor

Gary Meskil, solistul si basistul Pro-Pain a fost atacat in timp ce se afla in Belgia. Incidentul a avut loc in apropierea hotelului la care Meskil era cazat.

Acesta ar fi fost atacat de un grup de indivizi care l-au lovit in zona capului iar apoi i-au furat pasaportul, banii si cardul de credit. Artistul a ajuns la spital fiind diagnosticat cu trauma craniana si multiple fracturi in zona fetei.

Iata ce s-a postat pe pagina oficiala Pro-Pain.

"Important News:

This past Monday night, Gary was the victim of a Robbery and Attempted Murder in Brussels. He was pick-pocketed of cash, credit card, and passport, struck on the head with an ice pick and then subsequently attacked by a gang of individuals. The police have confiscated more than one weapon and they have established the identities of some of the suspects. Gary was quickly admitted to ICU after suffering head trauma (including several fractures to his face and jaw) and massive blood loss. Since then he has stabilized and is trying his best to recover, but future surgery may be necessary. We regret to inform the fans that the shows scheduled for Roeselare (July 7th) and Osnabruck (July 8th) are now officially cancelled. We will make sure to keep you all informed of any other cancellations and on Gary's progress.

Thanks for your support at this difficult time.


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