Biografie Rainbow
United Kingdom
Formed in:
Disbanded in:
Heavy metal
Heavy metal
Former musicians:
Gary Driscoll - drums
Mickey Lee Soule - keyboards
Craig Gruber - bass
Tony Carey - keyboards
Jimmy Bain - bass
Ronnie James Dio - vocals
Cozy Powell - drums
Ritchie Blackmore - guitars
› 1993-1997
Mark Clarke - bass
David Stone - keyboards
Bob Daisley - bass
......Toata biografia Rainbow
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Metallica
Iron Maiden
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Ozzy Osbourne
Bon Jovi
Deep Purple
Stiri cu Rainbow
Azi il celebram pe Joe Lynn Turner
Joe Lynn Turner , celebra voce de pe Rising Force a lui Yngwie J. Malmsteen, implineste azi frumoasa vasta de 51 de ani! Cunoscut pentru colaborarile sale cu Fandango , Deep Purple si Rainbow , Turner este si va ramane una dintre cele mai impresionante voci ale hard rock-ului clasic. In momentul de...
Ritchie Blackmore s-a reintors pe scena pentru a interpreta piesele care l-au consacrat
Ritchie Blackmore cunoscut mai ales ca membru fondator Deep Purple si Rainbow s-a reintors pe scena pentru a interpreta piesele celebrelor formatii. Acum ceva timp chitaristul luase decizia de a nu mai canta nimic din repertoriul care l-a consacrat, insa a revenit asupra deciziei. Acesta sustinut un...
Jimmy Bain, basistul lui Dio, a decedat
Basistul Jimmy Bain, a decedat la varsta de 68 de ani. Informatia a fost confirmata de fostul tobosar DIO, Simon Wright. Jimmy Bain a activat in trupe precum Rainbow sau DIO iar la finalul acestei lui se pregatea sa plece in turneu cu trupa sa, Last In Line , din care facea parte din 2013. Dupa turneul cu...
Craig Gruber, basistul Rainbow, a decedat la varsta de 63 de ani
Craig Gruber, cunoscut ca basistul trupei Rainbow, dar si al formatiei Elf din care facea parte Ronnie James Dio, a murit la varsta de 63 de ani dupa o indelungata lupta cu o forma de cancer la prostata. Gruber a colaborat cu Elf pentru doua albume. In cazul Rainbow, formatie infiintata de Ritchie...
Se lanseaza o carte despre Graham Bonnet
Autorul Steve Wright a inceput lucrul la prima carte oficiala despre viata legendarului solist Graham Bonnet (Rainbow, Michael Schenker Group, Alcatrazz, Impellitteri). Wright promite o fata a artistului nevezauta pana acum. O data de lansare nu a fost inca stabilita. Bonnet a devenit in...
Top Versuri Rainbow
Temple of the King
Catch the Rainbow
I Surrender
Man On The Silver Mountain
Desperate Heart
Fire Dance
Black Sheep Of The Family
Run With The Wolf
Street Of Dreams
Long Live Rock'n'Roll
Stone Cold
Eyes Of Fire
Still I'm Sad
Hunting Humans (Insatiable)
Rainbow Eyes
All Night Long
Snake Charmer
Sixteenth Century Greensleeves
Drinking With The Devil
Tarot Woman
Wolf To The Moon
Self Portrait
Still I'm Sad
Rock Fever
Light In The Black
Hall Of The Mountain King
L.A. Connection
No Time To Lose
Lost In Hollywood
Stand And Fight
Eyes Of The World
Spotlight Kid
Death Alley Driver
If You Don'T Like Rock & Roll
Since You Been Gone
Fool For The Night
The Shed (Subtle)
No Release
Black Masquerade
Do You Close Your Eyes
Lady Of The Lake
Miss Mistreated
Can't Let You Go
Gates Of Babylon
Danger Zone
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Rainbow
- Temple Of The King Tab
- Street Of Dreams (ver2) Chords
- Street Of Dreams Chords
- Temple Of The King (ver2) Tab
- Maybe Next Time Tab
- Kill The King Tab
- Anybody There Tab
- I Surrender Tab
- Rainbow Eyes Intro Tab
- Stargazer Tab
- Ariel Tab
- Since Youve Been Gone Tab
- Stone Cold Tab
- Catch The Rainbow Tab
- Kill The King Intro Tab
- Black Masquerade Tab
- Gates Of Babylon Bass Tab
- Cant Let You Go Tab
- Wolf To The Moon Intro Tab
- Rainbow Eyes Tab
- Bye Bye Baby Chords
- Do You Close Your Eyes Intro Tab
- Since Youve Been Gone Intro Tab
- Kill The King Intro (ver2) Tab
- Still Im Sad Tab
- Long Live Rocknroll Tab
- Wolf To The Moon Solo Tab
- Difficult To Cure Tab
- Power Tab
- Self Portrait Tab
- Black Masquerade Chords
- Since Youve Been Gone Intro (ver2) Tab
- Southborder Tab
- Rainbow Eyes (ver2) Tab
- Since Youve Been Gone (ver2) Tab
- Wolf To The Moon Bass Tab
- Star Gazer Tab
- A Light In The Black Tab
- Since Youve Been Gone Solo (ver2) Tab
- Since Youve Been Gone Bass Tab
- Too Late For Tears Tab
- Since You Ve Been Gone Bass Tab
- 16th Century Greensleeves Tab
- I Surrender Bass Tab
- Since Youve Been Gone Solo Tab
- Hall Of The Mountain King Tab
- Since Youve Been Gone (ver2) Bass Tab
- Ariel Bass Tab
- Hall Of The Mountain King Intro Tab
- Maybe Next Time Bass Tab