Rammstein au publicat imagini de la premiera concertului-documentar 'Paris'

de Andreea Gherfi

Rammstein au publicat imagini de la premiera concertului-documentar 'Paris'

Documentarului-concert Rammstein "Paris" va avea premiera oficiala pe 23 martie in peste 1000 de cinematografe din intreaga lume, insa acesta a rulat deja in Berlin, in data de 16 martie, in cadrul unui eveniment special la care au participat si membrii formatiei.

Rammstein au publicat un mini clip cu ce s-a intamplat in cadrul acestui eveniment. Acesta poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Teaserele noului material pot fi vizualizate mai jos:

Filmul poarta semnatura regizorului suedez Jonas Akerlund.

"We shot two nights in Paris, and we had 30 cameras, so that gives you 60 angles, plus we shot a dress rehearsal for close-ups. That gives you a massive amount of footage. This is a whole Rammstein-show, and I take the footage and cut it with the same precision that I would a 3-4 minute music video. Even with a big crew of editors, it took us over a year to nail down the edit. Looking at it now – that is the strength of this project. It really brings the show alive and shows what Rammstein is all about. I am very happy with RAMMSTEIN: PARIS. What this film shows wasn't just relevant four years ago – it will always be relevant. Rammstein is a timeless work of art. And even if it might sound a bit pretentious, I'd like to say that I don't think that this level of precision will ever again be attained in a concert film. The film is unique.", a decarat Jonas Akerlund

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