Rammstein dezvaluie mai multe detalii despre noul album

de Andreea Gherfi

Rammstein dezvaluie mai multe detalii despre noul album

Paul Landers, chitaristul trupei germane Rammstein, a marturisit intr-un interviu acordat webzinului Metal Hammer ca trupa dispune in momentul actual de aproximativ 30 de idei ce asteapta sa fie aliniate cu versurile si vocea lui Till Lindemann. De asemenea, instrumentistul nu neaga ca ar avea nevoie de un nou producator, unul care sa inteleaga directia neobisnuita pe care trupa vrea s-o abordeze.

“It really depends on our singer Till, that he can finish the mysterious ideas we have. At the moment we have 30 ideas, some with lyrics, and some not. We’re working on the vocals, and then we might consider another producer. There’s all those question marks that we haven’t answered yet.

Our goal right now is to write really good songs and maybe even try unusual methods, new ideas, and change the path that one usually has. It might be that when grandmother hears the album, she thinks it’s the same as the other ones. But for us, we really want it to be another milestone.”, a marturisit Paul Landers

Cel mai recent album de studio al trupei, "Liebe ist für alle da", a fost lansat in 2009.

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