Stiati ca... Rammstein

de Andreea Gherfi

Stiati ca... Rammstein

1. Till Lindemann a participat in 1978 la Campionatul de Inot Pentru Juniori din Florenta si ar fi trebuit sa concureze la Jocurile Olimpice de la Moscova. "I would not like to escape, I just needed to observe town. The autos, the bicycles, the young ladies. They got me and I was tossed out of the group, yet I additionally did not satisfy the required results.", a declarat Till

2. Rammstein au ajuns sa fie cunoscuti in SUA dupa ce David Lynch a folosit doua piese ale formatiei in filmul "The Lost Highway". Cele doua piese au fost "Rammstein" si "Heirate Mich".

3. Christoph Schneider instala telefoane inainte sa faca parte din proiectul Rammstein.

4. Formatia poarta numele unei baze militare din Kaiserslautern in care a avut loc o tragedie aviatica pe data de 28 August 1988, in fata a 300.000 de spectatori. Ramstein Air Force Base a fost locul in care 3 piloti si 67 de spectatori au decedat, iar alte 346 de persoane au fost spitalizate cu rani deosebit de grave.

5. Videoclipul piesei "Stripped" a creat controverse in Germania deoarece contine bucati din filmul propagandist "Fest der Voelker" regizat de catre Leni Reifenstahl pentru Jocuri Olimpice de la Berlin, din 1936.

6. Rammstein refuza cu vehementa sa fie asociati cu curentul nazist. "In the event that we were Spanish, we wouldn't need to manage this bother"

7. Rammstein canta, inclusiv in ziua de azi, in formula origina a trupei: Till Lindemann, Richard Z. Kruspe, Paul H. Landers, Oliver “Ollie” Riedel, Christoph “Doom” Schneider si Christian “Flake” Lorenz

8. Rammstein au fost nominalizati la Premiile Grammy din 1999 pentru cea mai buna trupa metal.

9. Rammstein au reusit sa-si vanda muzica in peste 15 milioane de exemplare (albume) in intreaga lume.

10. Oliver (Ollie) Riedel a fost pe cale sa fie dat afara din trupa in nenumarate randuri. La inceputurile trupei, Ollie ocupa pozitia de vocalist principal al trupei pana cand le-a propus celorlalti membri sa redenumeasca formatia in "The Ollie Riedel Effect", iar acestia l-au pedepsit punandu-i chitara bass in brate, pentru totdeauna. In cele din urma acesta ajunsese sa-si terorizeze colegii de trupa cu diverse nume stupide argumentand ca "Rammstein" este un nume otravitor. "Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitatenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft" este unul dintre ciudatele nume pe care Ollie ar fi vrut sa le foloseasca.

“It was like every single f*****g day, Ollie would come to my house, go into my room, lie in my bed, and wake me up at 3am or 4am with something stupid like "Oh, Schneider, I think we should change the band name to Stalin's Mustache ” and I’m like “Ollie, f*****g shut the f**k up and go home! The sun isn’t even up yet!” It was seriously annoying, even I almost left the band at one point.“, a marturisit Schneider

We all suffered. I was having chronic migraines, Paul wasn’t showing up to rehearsals, Till was suffering from insomnia. It was so bad. Ollie’s constant suggestion of stupid band names had such a poisonous effect on us, the only way we could stop it was for me to put him in his place.”, a declarat Flake

Ollie a fost pus la punct in 2003, cand Lindemann l-a amenintat ca-l va da in judecata daca va continua cu aceasta nebunie.

"Hey guys, how about gingerbread cookies?” and they thought I was suggesting we rename the band Gingerbread Cookies, and they got so pissed and it was so funny. Paul was actually crying and wailing “Not this s**t again!” Till chased me around the entire building with my bass and threatened to destroy me with it, and ended up throwing it into on-coming traffic. Schneider actually left the building, and became so stressed out, he had to go on a two month vacation to an isolated island in the South Pacific to clear his mind and forget that actually happened. The joke was on them though. I did have ginger bread cookies. I ate all of them. I make good gingerbread cookies.“, a marturisit Ollie.

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