Twilight 13 Media opreste colaborarea cu Rock City Open Air

de Morrison

Twilight 13 Media opreste colaborarea cu Rock City Open Air

Am primit la redactie un comunicat din partea lui Costin Chioreanu, creierul celei mai mari agentii de design underground din Romania si printre cele mai cunoscute de peste hotare, Twilight 13 Media. Va prezentam comunicatul in limba engleza pentru ca el este menit a fi trimis si altor agentii si trupe de peste hotare cu care T13M a lucrat de-alungul anilor.

"Dear partners and friends, I must inform you, now officially that, I'm not working anymore for the project Rock City Open Air. The reasons are undisclosed and will remain this way, at least from my side.

And this is a message for all my friends from some bands that are invited to this fest:

My relationship with Metal Masters was since the beginning just a simple business, and nothing more. We are not close friends, we were just business partners. They have their owns goals, I have mine. I hope you'll have great time in Romania.

So, I wish goodluck to all of you, regarding this festival, Metal Masters and all the bands out there.

Costin Chioreanu,

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