Joakim Broden isi seteaza standarde inalte atunci cand compune pentru Sabaton

de Andreea Gherfi

Joakim Broden isi seteaza standarde inalte atunci cand compune pentru Sabaton

Intr-un interviu sustinut pentru, Joakim Broden, solistul formatiei Sabaton, a declarat ca are o relatie de ura si iubire cu el insusi atunci cand lucreaza la compozitii noi. Artistul vorbeste despre cat de inalte ii sunt standardele muzicale si despre felul in care membrii formatiei se inteleg intre ei.

"When I start writing for a new album, at least for me, the first days, before I really get started, it's desperation — I hate it. Nothing seems to be good. But then there's usually one song or something that, 'Yes! I can still do this.' And once I've got that song, it goes pretty good, actually. I'm really loving that process. Because I get up in the morning, I do a little bit of workout maybe, I run with the dogs or something and then I sit in the studio the whole day and I write, and that's the part I love. But then at the end, when you've been writing for several months and you're writing intensively, the deadline is coming, all of a sudden I start hating everything: 'It's not good enough.' And even the good stuff I start hating. And that's a certain point when I start listening back and comparing it. So I think it's a natural process."

Sabaton vor concerta la Bucuresti alaturi de ACCEPT si Twilight Force pe data de 11 Martie 2017!

Pentru acest eveniment biletele sunt disponibile pe si in reteaua iabilet (Magaznul Muzica, Reteaua Say Shops - partener Orange, Magazinele IQBox, Agentiile Perfect Tour, stand-ul de bilete de la Metrou Unirii 1 (langa casa de bilelete Metrorex) si Uman si pe cele 1500 de terminale self-service ZebraPay din Kaufland, Cora, Auchan, Carrefour si Mega Image din toata tara), Cafe Deko, Club Vintage si Club Quantic. dar si la Hard Rock Cafe. Online puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone, ramburs cu plata cash prin FanCurier oriunde in tara sau prin OP.

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