Sabaton a lansat un clip nou pentru 'Fields Of Verdun'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Sabaton a lansat un clip nou pentru 'Fields Of Verdun'

'Fields of Verdun' este primul single de pe viitorul album al formatiei, 'The Great War' ce va fi lansat pe 19 Iulie prin Nuclear Blast Records.

Albumul, dupa cum indica si numele, va trata intamplari din Marele Razboi, asa cum era numit Primul Razboi Mondial in istoriografie pana cand a avut loc a doua conflagratie mondiala.

Basistul trupei a declarat: "We chose 'Fields Of Verdun' to be the first single since we felt it represent the album perfect, a classic Sabaton metal song which we cannot wait to include in the future setlists.

The story of the battle of Verdun is also very representative for the album since it has all elements that identifies with 'The Great War'. Verdun is so much WW1 that we decided to hold the first album presentation in this city, inviting journalists from around the world to not just hear the album, but also understand the story behind it."

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