Solistul Satyricon a fost diagnosticat cu tumoare pe creier

de Cristi Nedelcu

Solistul Satyricon a fost diagnosticat cu tumoare pe creier

Satyr a facut public acest lucru ieri, cand a scris pe contul sau de Instagram ca a ajuns la spital unde in urma unor teste i-a fost descoperita o tumoare benigna.

In momentul de fata, atat timp cat aceasta nu creste in dimensiune, Satyr nu va fi supus unei interventii chirurgicale, pentru ca aceasta ar fi foarte complicata.

Iata ce a declarat acesta:

"I got extremely sick eight days ago and was rushed to hospital. Scans have shown that there is a blind passenger in my head. Most likely it is benign. I can live with it as long as it does not grow bigger. Removing it is extremely complicated and should only be done if it grows into a size where it is a matter of life and death... We all get our set of cards and this happened to be one of mine. There are so many people who have to deal with much worse things than I do, so I do not feel sorry for myself. I have a great family, lots of friends, Satyricon, Wongraven Wines and many people who support my endeavours all over the world."

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