Mikkey Dee, tobosarul trupei Scorpions, a confirmat ca a avut coronavirus

de Cristi Nedelcu

Mikkey Dee, tobosarul trupei Scorpions, a confirmat ca a avut coronavirus

Mikkey Dee, actualul tobosar Scorpions si fostul tobosar Motorhead, a confirmat ca fost a testat pozitiv cu COVID-19, boala cauzata de noul coronavirus.

Artistul a slabit aproximativ 15 de kilograme si s-a simtit intr-o forma proasta dupa ce a intrat in contact cut virusul.

Iata ce a declarat Mikkey printr-o postare pe Instagram.

"Hello guys! I just want to set some rumors straight regarding Don Dokkens statement about my Corona situation. I did get Corona and was sick for about 1 month. I am now fully recovered since mid April. I was already playing hockey and drums by the end of April. Unfortunately my good friend Don got some info wrong. I did not get Corona in Australia, the virus was contracted in Sweden. I did not loose 35 pounds, I lost 15 pounds. But as I just mentioned, I am now fully recovered and have registred antibodies so that feels great. I can't wait for things to go back to normal so we can hit the road again. Thank you guys for caring and my heart goes out to each and everyone affected by the current situation our world is in.

Stay safe! Mikkey."

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