Sepultura a primit interdictie in Liban

de Elena Paraschiv

Sepultura a primit interdictie in Liban

La finalul saptamanii trecute, organizatorii festivalului in cadrul caruia brazilienii ar fi trebuit sa urce pe scena, au anuntat ca trupa nu va mai putea canta. Autoritatile au interzis trupei sa intre in tara si au refuzat sa le aprobe vizele. Sepultura trebuia sa cante in Beirut pe 28 aprilie.

Autoritatile au motivat aceasta decizie printr-o declaratie prin care spune ca Sepultura aduce insulte crestinismului si sunt adepti ai diavolului. De asemenea, printre argumentele oferite se regaseste si faptul ca Sepultura a cantat si filmat un clip in Israel aratandu-si in acest fel suportul pentru aceasta tara.

O parte din comunicatul oficial al organizatorilor poate fi citit mai jos:

"We were going to host a concert for the International Brazilian Metal Band Sepultura on the 28th of April at The Palace - Aresco Center, Beirut. After duly applying for artist entry visas for the band, we were informed that band members had been banned from entering Lebanon. The concert organizers were not even allowed to view the decision. However, after enquiring before the artists' division, we were told that the issue is delicate as it relates to insulting Christianity, that the band members are devil worshipers, that they held a concert in Israel, that they filmed a video clip supporting Israel, and that the decision was issued by the head of the General Security Forces.

We would like to clarify that these accusations are totally untrue. The band did not play in Israel. The aforementioned video clip mentions Israel's racism without naming it. The same video clip, which was launched in 1993, contains scenes of Israeli repression, and members of the band are shown drinking tea with Arab clans.

As for insulting religion, current members of Sepultura fight against all forms of corruption, and call on the world to return to goodness and nature and to reject corruption. Since it's the nature of metal music, the band uses a violent style of expression. But they did not directly attack Christianity. in fact, the band's vocalist has shared on his personal Instagram account photos of St. George's Cathedral in Lviv - Ukraine a few days ago. It should be noted that the icon of Saint Charbel appears in the photo.

We would like to point out that the band is socially active as it tries to shed light on corruption in societies without adopting any ideology or being inclined towards any thought. On the contrary, through their lyrics, they ask people to return to God and to reject an abnormal automated society, not to worship Satan as interpreted by some." [..]

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