Biografie Skillet
Skillet este o trupa americana de Christian rock, formata in 1996 in Memphis, Tennessee. Trupa a lansat opt albume de studio. De-a lungul celor 13 ani de activitate, Skillet a cantat mai multe genuri de muzica, printre care hard rock, industrial rock sau symphonic rock.
John Cooper – voce, bass (1996–present)
Korey Cooper – chitara, clape, voce (1999–present)
Ben Kasica – chitara (2001–present)
Jen Ledger – tobe, voce (2008–present)
Skillet (1996)
Hey You, I Love Your Soul (1998)
Invincible (2000)
Ardent Worship (2000)
Alien Youth (2001)
Collide (2003)
Comatose (2006)
Awake (2009)
...Toata biografia Skillet
Artisti cu stiluri similare: AC/DC
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Bon Jovi
Deep Purple
Led Zeppelin
Stiri cu Skillet
Skillet a lansat un lyric video pentru 'Dead Man Walking'
Piesa este preluata de pe materialul din 2019, "Victorious: The Aftermath (Deluxe)" si a sosit cu un clip inspirat de benzile desenate Marvel. Noul material video al trupei poate fi vazut mai jos.
Skillet a lansat o noua versiune a piesei 'Save Me'
Piesa originala este preluata de pe cel de-al zecelea album al trupei, "Victorios", ce a fost lansat anul trecut via Atlantic Records. "Save Me' was a song where I had written the chorus melody… I was thinking I could almost hear [FIVE FINGER] DEATH PUNCH doing that chorus. Then I said,...
Shine Festival 2018: Reguli de Acces si Informatii Generale
Pe 30 iunie si 1 iulie va asteptam la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti la cel mai fresh festival al anului, Shine Festival! Ajuns la editia a 5-a, alaturi de Skillet, la Shine vor mai canta si Parazitii, The Cat Empire, Subcarpati, Fratii Grime, Suie Paparude, Basska, The Mono Jacks, Cred Ca Sunt Extraterestru,...
Chitaritsul Ben Kasica paraseste Skillet
Chitaristul de la Skillet , Ben Kasica , a anuntat recent ca va parasi formatia pentru alte ocupatii.Kasica si John Cooper au anuntat stirea pe site-ul oficial al formatiei. "Chitaristul nostru de mult timp Ben Kasica ajunge la finalul timpului alaturi de Skillet " , anunta John Cooper pe website-ul...
Skillet au lansat un nou videoclip
Formatia Skillet a lansat de curand un videoclip pentru piesa "Awake And Alive" iar acesta poate fi urmarit pe METALHEAD accesand link-ul de mai jos: Videoclip Skillet - Awake And Alive " Awake And Alive " este extrasa de pe albumul " Awake ", lansat in vara anului 2009....
Top Versuri Skillet
Awake And Alive
Don't Wake Me
It's Not Me, It's You
Never Surrender
One Day Too Late
Whispers In The Dark
Say Goodbye
Should've When You Could've
The Last Night
Kill Me Heal Me
Falling Inside The Black
The Older I Get
My Obsession
Your Love (Keeps Me Alive)
Yours To Hold
Angels Fall Down
I Can
Dive Over In
Hey You, I Love Your Soul
Those Nights
Come On To The Future
Best Kept Secret
Rippin Me Off
Cycle Down
Locked In A Cage
You're In My Brain
Alien Youth
A Little More
Suspended In You
Better Than Drugs
I Trust You
Open Wounds
You Thought
Each Other
Coming Down
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Skillet
- Dont Wake Me Chords
- Lucy Chords
- Never Surrender Chords
- Awake And Alive Tab
- Hero Intro Tab
- Those Nights Acoustic Intro Tab
- Awake And Alive ver2 Tab
- Whispers In The Dark Intro (ver2) Tab
- Sometimes Tab
- Comatose Bass Tab
- Older I Get Acoustic Chords
- Whispers In The Dark Chords
- Falling Inside The Black Chords
- Yours To Hold Chords
- Believe Intro Tab
- Hey You I Love Your Soul Tab
- Whispers In The Dark Tab
- Whispers In The Dark Bass Tab
- The Last Night Chords
- Awake And Alive Chords
- Comatose Tab
- Better Than Drugs Tab
- Whispers In The Dark Intro Tab
- Last Night (ver2) Tab
- Open Wounds Tab
- Those Nights Tab
- Say Goodbye Chords
- Forgiven Tab
- Rebirthing Tab
- Whispers In The Dark Intro (ver3) Tab
- My Obsession Live Solo Tab
- The Last Night Intro Tab
- Yours To Hold Solo Tab
- Your Name Is Holy Tab
- Those Nights (ver2) Tab
- I Can Bass Tab
- Say Goodbye (ver2) Chords
- You Are My Hope Chords
- Dead Inside Tab
- Savior Tab
- Forsaken Intro (ver2) Tab
- Forsaken Intro Tab
- Each Other Chords
- Falling Inside The Black Intro Tab
- Jesus Be Glorified Chords
- Comatose Intro Tab
- I Rest Tab
- Rebirthing Bass Tab
- Invincible Bass Tab
- Will You Be There Chords