Sunt sanse ca anul viitor sa avem un nou album Slayer

de Cristi Nedelcu

Sunt sanse ca anul viitor sa avem un nou album Slayer

Ultimul material semnat Slayer, 'Repentless', a fost lansat in 2015 iar urmatorul e posibil sa apara anul viitor.

Kerry King a stat de vorba cu cei de la Revolver si fiind intrebat de planurile cu privire la un nou album chitaristul a declarat ca au deja 6-8 piese inregistrate si ca ar mai avea nevoie de inva 4-5 pentru a completa un nou album.

Mai jos aveti declarati lui Kerry King.

"Funny thing is, 'Repentless' isn't even two years old yet, though it seems like it is. But from that session, there are six or eight songs that are recorded — some with vocals, some with leads, but all with keeper guitar, drums and bass. So when those songs get finished lyrically, if the lyrics don't change the songs, they'll be ready to be on the next record. So we already have more than half a record complete, if those songs make it.

This is actually the most prepared we've ever been for the next record in our history; there's no reason to not do more work, because it's already more than halfway done. Just write four or five new songs, and give the others some attention, and we'll be good to go. If we get a down period of time, which I know is coming at the end of this year, maybe we'll focus on that and get to it."

Intrebat daca ar trebui sa asteptam noul disc in 2018, chitaristul a afirmat:

"It's conceivable but I'm certainly not gonna promise it, because every time I do, I make a liar of myself!"

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